
Thursday, March 3, 2011

America is a Society That Can Actually Imagine Their Joy of what they enjoy

America is a Society That Can Actually Imagine 

Their Joy of What they Enjoy ... 

Poetic, isn't it? ... But absolutely true.

When it comes to imagination, there has never been a nation or a society in human history that could claim they could be a match to America...... In terms of military power  positioned in its own place of history,   America, compared to other traditional historical imperial powers, has exceeded, and by far, Rome, Egypt and Persia put together.

In Economic terms, America's vast geographic area, enormous and varied natural resources, and a unique pool of human talent derived from every race and blood in humanity made it the most gigantic economic power house in human history. So large its economy is, that it is larger than the economies of all the European countries put together, and larger than the economies of both China and Japan put together with a population that is less than one fifth of their combined population.

This phenomenon, this society, this nation called the United States of America has been built on imagination. It was not just engineering might or technical expertise, or even a sense of bravado on front of which, nothing could stand, though all those were part and parcel of it, but not everything ...  Imagination was more important. The ability to foresee future human needs and work on realizing it, was the main part of it.

It was the poetic sense of imagining the future. It was the artistic visualization of anything that could possibly be enjoyed by man. It was the ability to transcend classical human limitation. And it was imagining that there was no limit to imagination.

And finally, it was a collective human talent that was capable of imagining that they could enjoy what they invent just as much as they thought they could invent what they enjoy. America is a society that can actually imagine the joy of what they would enjoy...

Poetic, isn't it? ... But absolutely true.

The photograph above was an Abstract Futuristic presentation for Urban Planning dated 1947. Much of its primary and secondary components have actually come to see engineering realization, both in the US and Abroad.