The Secret Axis, Damage Control by Hiding the Black Book
No Revolutionary Trials
No charges of corruption and profiteering
No charges of corruption and profiteering
Will be Raised
The Loot Requires Diplomacy to be Returned to the Public Treasury.
There are those who know that what is taking place in the wings is far, far greater than what is being promulgated to the public for consumption. Mubarak’s is a case for careful examination and should never be taken for granted.
Information coming from private sources inside the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces tells a story, part of which is now well known and the remaining is subject to many speculations. But what is certain about this information is it tells us without equivocation that Mubarak’s destiny had long been discussed and concrete steps had been taken different from what has been released to the public . Mubarak, it is almost now certain, will not be tried, not really. Unless a cataclysmic degree of public anger is displayed Mubarak’s investigation will be farcical in nature, and designed only to mollify and placate the angry public.
Lt. Genral Sammy Anan With US Counterpart
In the early hours of the revolution, there were very few exchanges with the Americans, if any. Though the Americans are riding the revolutionary parade, and claim that they had coordinated and trained many revolutionary elements, there is no concrete evidence that they had beaten the drums of the revolutionary march.
And While some documentary TV programs that have appeared on the web do point out to free and coordinated access to foreign media, there is no evidence that there was official US involvement in the early stages of the uprising.
During the early days, however, and once the uprising had shown signs of fruitfulness most of the exchanges with the Americans were reciprocal information between the White House Specialists on the Middle East and Tantawi’s Office in Koverey Lqubbah as well as Joint General Command in Medinet Nassir. Very few were fielded to O’roobah Palace in Heliopolis to Mubarak himself, and those messages were advisory in nature for Mubarak to step down peacefully and spare the nation untold consequences.
In General, America had no precise information on the timing or scope of the event. Much like Mubarak's regime, the US embassy Cairo had heard rumors and read digital messages, in addition to having knowledge of NGO training Egyptian elements on peaceful civil disobedience but that was it. The US embassy’s Zionist Jewess Ambassador; Maggie Scobey, was, like everybody else, taken by surprise and could not provide any intelligence to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The White House had no choice but to rely on Pentagon’s communication with Lt. General Sammy Annan, who, early on was at the Pentagon and had to cut his visit short when the temperature of Tahrir rose to a critical degree.
The White House obtained a very solid promise from General Annan that he would not obey any orders to use the army against the civilian population. That promise was obtained from the General while he was still in DC at the pentagon, and was confirmed several times after his return to his Offices both at Joint General Command in Madinet Nassr and the old defense ministry in Kobreyl Qubbah.
General Annan discussed this heatedly with Field Marshal Tantawi, who while had no objection to the principle, resented that his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should have made that decision and given such promises without deferring the matter to him first.
US Zionist Jew Joe Lieberman
After January 28th, both Tantawi and Annan, along with all senior members of the Brass had no squabble on what their action should be, and with Mubarak’s intransigence, leading to ordering the army to crush the uprising by any and all means necessary, a decision was made to isolate him and his Old Crone along with their son.
Indeed the minute they sensed that they did not have a president, but a family acting as if monarchs or the royal overlords of the land, They called the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to convene without Mubarak. This action alone, since Mubarak was the commander in chief of the armed forces, meant without the shadow of a doubt that his 30-year reign with absolute hold on power was over.
Air Marshal Reda Mahmoud Hafez; Commanding General of the Air force ordered Cairo-West air base’s commanding officer to dispatch a squadron from their fighter air wing to fly “greeting formation” passes over Tahrir Square to reassure the millions that Egypt’s armed forces were on their side. Unfortunately neither the protesters nor the press understood what “Greeting Formation” flights were and thought that the F-16 fighter jets screaming over their heads were exhibiting hostile intentions against the civilians and gave defying fist signs with roaring cries as if to say, “We’re not scared of you.” ... Even foreign media were confused and reported this as a warning of impending aerial bombardment or scare tactics.
All those events were taking place while intensive communication was underway between the Tantawi-Annan
High level Congressional envoys including the most ardent Zionists of them all arrived one after another for closed door talks with Tantawi. They had extensive talks and discussed Egypt / Israel relations and the imperatives of continuing the current level of cooperation. They also discussed the treaties, The Muslim Groups and the Mubaraks. There was a lengthy talk regarding Mubarak.
Britain’s Prime minister came to talk with both Tantawi and Ahmad Shafiq (then acting prime minister) regarding Britain's concern with the Muslim groups gaining power in Egypt, and stressed the necessity for moving towards democratic changes slowly and gradually in order that a wider sector of liberal secularists might have a chance to organize and launch a successful promotional political campaign.
Israel and the Treaties were given high attention ostensibly to allay any Israeli concerns. Mubarak & his Loot were also discussed with emphasis on what might potentially end up to be a public lynching . They also discussed, apparently, the imperative for a European standard legal proceedings against convicted members of the ousted regime. Tantawi wasted no time allaying his British interlocutor's concern regarding military tribunals. David Cameron was impressed by what he heard from Tantawi regarding the deeply rooted traditions of Egypt's Judiciary system which has direct roots in both French and British counterparts.
The EU sent its chief of parliament to discuss Muslim groups, election, and transfer of power. She conveyed the EU community's concerns with any quick movement towards election, which might give the Muslim groups a clear advantage over the highly unorganized secularists. They also discussed Mubarak and the looted funds in EU banks as well as string attachments to EU financial assistance.
But perhaps one of the more sensitive issues about which, the EU member states were concerned, had to do with the nature of future trials for members of the deposed regime and whether capital punishment would ever be considered especially when there were close to 1000 killed by police snipers and assault including children and infants.
But perhaps one of the more sensitive issues about which, the EU member states were concerned, had to do with the nature of future trials for members of the deposed regime and whether capital punishment would ever be considered especially when there were close to 1000 killed by police snipers and assault including children and infants.
French President Sarkozy dispatched both his Prime Minster and Foreign Minister to discuss Muslim Groups, Israel, the Treaties, and the Mubaraks. So intensive was the French attention to Mubarak's destiny that Tantawi thought that all those high level envoys were on Mubarak’s Death-Will, lining up to inherit his Loot!
Tantawi was also dismayed by the incredible and hypocritical degree of paranoia regarding Muslim groups while Muslims were being persecuted and targeted by Christian Extremists everywhere in their countries. Tantawi did not waste much time reminding the French delegations that while he understood the problem arising from Jewish lobby pressures in their country, it was not a problem that would keep him awake at night in Egypt.
EU Parliament Zionist Jewess AshtonTantawi was also dismayed by the incredible and hypocritical degree of paranoia regarding Muslim groups while Muslims were being persecuted and targeted by Christian Extremists everywhere in their countries. Tantawi did not waste much time reminding the French delegations that while he understood the problem arising from Jewish lobby pressures in their country, it was not a problem that would keep him awake at night in Egypt.
Tantawi had to give assurances that all national Security secrets would remain 100% protected and Mubarak himself would be protected by the army. During the uprising, Tantawi-Annan had to agree to provide the US with assurances that, in exchange for his resignation, Mubarak would not be subject to any uncontrolled proceedings such as public Kangaroo Trials where, he would be forced to answer questions regarding top secret US / Egypt national security arrangements.
This explains the army’s frantic reaction once State Security Buildings were compromised by the revolution where revolutionary elements had invaded several buildings, and documents were grabbed.
The US was quick to immediately sound loud alarms to protect or destroy those documents and leave no paper trails. Digital files were rescued and the military kept them in highly secured archives. The US was very pleased with the military’s quick reaction.
All documents destructions were sanctioned and pre-approved by Tantawi or his assistants. All State Security officers who were arrested for documents destruction without specific orders were subsequently released. No action was taken against them nor were they subject to any investigation. The public was given various cover stories that had been pre-rehearsed.
The question remained, however, that despite the fact that the people's demands to dismantle the entire police apparatus are valid, no government, be it as it may, transitional, civilian or military could just dispense with the nation's police apparatus and replace it with fresh cadres.
The US was quick to immediately sound loud alarms to protect or destroy those documents and leave no paper trails. Digital files were rescued and the military kept them in highly secured archives. The US was very pleased with the military’s quick reaction.
All documents destructions were sanctioned and pre-approved by Tantawi or his assistants. All State Security officers who were arrested for documents destruction without specific orders were subsequently released. No action was taken against them nor were they subject to any investigation. The public was given various cover stories that had been pre-rehearsed.
Tantawi's policy with remnants of the old regime's police apparatus was pragmatic. The police is not the State Security, yet State Security is a crucial division of the police. All the police excesses which were unforgivable by the people were equally unforgivable by the military.
The dilemma resided in what to do with internal security should a decision for collective punishment be taken? Undoubtedly many police personnel acted in pure criminal fashion. They were arrested and are still in detention pending trials.
The dilemma resided in what to do with internal security should a decision for collective punishment be taken? Undoubtedly many police personnel acted in pure criminal fashion. They were arrested and are still in detention pending trials.
The question remained, however, that despite the fact that the people's demands to dismantle the entire police apparatus are valid, no government, be it as it may, transitional, civilian or military could just dispense with the nation's police apparatus and replace it with fresh cadres.
What Marshall Tantawi did was all he could do with what he had to maintain law and order, and even at that, law and order had either disintegrated or suffered severe blows in many parts of the country even with many units of the army acting as police to help in maintaining the security of the street.
France's Zionist Half Jew Sarkozy
Meanwhile, across the ocean in the US, The Mubarak’s attorney in Washington DC, in what was described as one of the greatest blunders of US State Department's recent history of gaffes, was summoned by Hillary Clinton, and was designated her special envoy to Egypt. He arrived in Egypt, met the Mubaraks, and received instructions on what action to take regarding the family Loot. Nobody in Egypt was certain whether this was not on purpose. circumstances, however, do suggest that it was not just another gaffe.
Communication between Riyadh and Sharm el Sheikh continued, and representatives of the Fat, pot-bellied King in Riyadh came to meet Tantawi to ensure that all their state secrets would be protected and that Mubarak would not be subjected to humiliating public trials for fear of copy-cats in their own countries. Secret Financial deals were struck contrary to what the public were told. In fact so secret those talks were that only 3-star and above flag officer corps members of the SCAF were privy to their details.
Many scenarios were discussed with the US and the Gulf States with regard to Mubarak. The general outlines were: public outrage would be contained with carefully orchestrated arrest and investigation proceedings giving the impression that there was no special considerations. Eventually, however, he would be exonerated of the most serious charges of murder and high treason. All other charges of corruption and profiteering would be dropped purely on humanitarian grounds provided the "Loot" is returned to the public treasury in full.....
At least those were the points of assurances officially given. Tantawi and his SCAF, however, had in the past given us every indication that any negotiation was geared to give themselves the widest possible range of maneuvering, typical and expected of military strategists.
US Zionist Jewess Maggie Scobey & Shafiq![](
Egypt’s Total debt is $39 Billion Dollars, but counting debt service cost, that number shoots up to considerably more than the principle. The financial deal had to do with assisting Egypt with addressing this insidious and horrific burden that was caused by none other than Mubarak himself, for whom many highly interested parties are, apparently, requesting special treatment. The Question of restitution came up.
Deals had to be negotiated, and while the details are secret, the general outlines have to do with whatever assets smuggled to Gulf Area Banks. Those funds will be quietly returned to Egypt in their entirety in any form Egypt may dictate while handling the matter delicately and with anonymity for all parties concerned provided Mubarak's trials were scrapped, or at least guaranteed to be farcical in nature.
All funds that Egypt could regain independently from outside the Gulf area shall be matched 1:1 until the entire amount of Egypt's external debt is settled.
All Financial arrangements shall take place in the form of treaties signed by future elected governments to render all transactions legal and official. Meanwhile, Mubarak's case must be handled with extreme delicacy while Egypt shall have to limp along without any revenues coming from abroad until a new president has been democratically elected.
The US may have had good reasons to believe they owed Mubarak at least the semblance of dignity after 30 years of loyal service to his masters in Tel Aviv and the White House. This explains their repeated pleas to spare Mubarak the indignity of public humiliation. The Military had no quarrel with the concept, however, public outrage has compelled Tantawi to tell Hillary Clinton's envoys that Egypt has to do what it must ... Albeit, delicately.
The Gulf Arabs had all the good reasons (in their views) to treat Mubarak and his family with utmost decorum and honor. After all, they are all the same type of despotic and decrepit dictatorial heaps. And for considerations of national interests, Tantawi had to yield to diplomatic initiatives to satisfy both internal public demands and external interests, provided those interests were of benefit to national security.
Whether under arrest, prosecuted or pardoned, the military will remember the requests for special treatment in exchange for the return of the Looted Funds smuggled to Arab Gulf Area secret bank accounts, and its own lack of desire to humiliate the former dictator, however, no promises were made for extending the special considerations to his sons. If any, special measures would be strictly stemming from the nature of the post-revolutionary political milieu in Egypt and 7000 years of looking at the Pharaoh and his family as demigods.
When it comes to Egypt, evidence is already suggesting with obvious signs that special treatment is expected and is the norm even for a Pharaoh with Mubarak's Criminal Treasonous record.
When it comes to Egypt, evidence is already suggesting with obvious signs that special treatment is expected and is the norm even for a Pharaoh with Mubarak's Criminal Treasonous record.