Sunday, June 24, 2012

Condi's Creative Chaos Doctrine

The Creative Chaos Doctrine ....
What We See is What They had Plotted.

Zionist Jew Paul Wolfowitz (far right) headed Johns Hopkins' department of International Studies When the Retard; Zionist-Jew-wanna-be; George W. stole the White House.

At the behest of Jew-Wolfowitz, Jew-Feith, Jew-Pearle and Jew-Libby (All Zionist Jews) Bush and Cheney commissioned Condoleezza Rice to prepare a thesis on toppling all Mid-East dictatorial regimes and replacing them with a Liberal, pro-Western system of governments headed by home grown elements carefully selected and trained from amongst a plethora known for being defiled, nefarious elements sycophant to the US, and for their extreme infatuation with the morally squalid West.

Rice, then a research fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute, had impressed George Schultz (another Jew) of the Reagan administration with her deep intellectual insights into Soviet politics.

Schultz recommended her to the Bush team of neocons to prepare the required thesis. Rice came with what was later developed to be known as the Creative Chaos Doctrine.

With the exception of the Bu-Azizi and Tahrir revolutions, what we see across the Arab World is directly related to that doctrine. Tunis and Egypt, it is very evident, had independently acquired their own momentum, taking the White House, the CIA and all US based Jew-conspiratorial research think tanks by total surprise.

However, precisely because Tunis and Egypt composed their own marching tunes and trotted along their own anthems, the Zionist-Jew interventions were fervent and rabid in their attempt to contain the uncontrolled temper of the up-rising, which stemmed from the ultra-nationalistic and Anti-western nature of the revolutionary elements, and the resulting uncertainty of its outcome.

What we see now in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen, as well as in Syria is the manifestation of the Creative Chaos doctrine. In Egypt, it is carried out by the military servants of the US and its Zionist-controlled institutions.

The Generals of the ruling Junta have enormous financial stakes in tightening their grip on power to maintain their massive, Out-of-state-control economic empire. The class of parasites, looters and pillagers who have raped the nation financially are organically attached to world Zionism in their suspect financial schemes. The National and private media were carefully structured to facilitate the necessary public cover for the conspiracy, and also are the beneficiaries of a slice of the pie.