Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Falling From Grace, the Lt. General

Falling From Grace, the Lt. General

Very few observers are privy to insider’s information surrounding Lt. General Sammi Annan’s bid for, and withdrawal from Egypt’s farcical presidential race.  In this brief narrative, which is derived from a very recent conversation I had with an extremely well informed retired high command source, and former ranking member of the Supreme Command Council of Egypt’s armed forces, I will try to connect the person and the events for a better understanding of the how, the where and the why!

Upon hearing Al Sisi speaking in an interview with the US media after his coup d’état, my first impression was utter astonishment. The man lacked intelligence, insight and the basic ability to communicate and articulate.  It was starkly obvious that it would be a tragedy for Egypt if someone like him would take the mantle of power in the land of the Pharaohs.

This prompted me to seek further information since I had published in my blog a rosier picture of him which had contained solid information never known before. This time, I wanted to know the full story of Lt. General Sammi Annan; former chief of staff of Egypt’s armed forces; the man President Morsi had sacked along with his boss; Field Marshal Tantawi, so as later to announce his bid for the presidential race against Al Sisi, only to abruptly withdraw his bid without convincing explanations.

The most surprising piece of information that I had not expected to hear about Gen Annan was he was not a senior high command officer-candidate. He had not been elected for enrollment at Nassir Academy for High Command and Strategic Studies, an absolute must for any officer to continue his career beyond the rank of Brigadier General. Astonishingly, Sammi Annan’s officer-class seniority ranking number was a dismal 464 out of 1689…. So how did an officer with such appallingly dismal record hold the effective operational high command position in the world’s 16th largest armed forces? The answer is pure coincidence; being in the right place at the right time.

In November 1997, Lt. General Sammi Annan was an air defense Brigadier slated for retirement from military service at the end of his 4-year brigadier term.  Having been precluded from promotion to the rank of Maj General, and having been side-stepped from enrollment in the General Command training at Nassir High Academy, he was approaching his career’s exit gate. But an incident of severe gravity to Egypt's national security took place on November 17th of that year that had changed the course of history.  An extremist misguided group attacked semi-naked foreign tourists in Luxor, Egypt, murdering 58 of them in utter criminal cold blooded vengeance directed at the Mubarak Regime.  Unable to touch Mubarak, they vented their vengeance on peaceful, hapless visitors protected by the same Sharia law that they had been demanding to have instituted as the law of the land.

Luxor is an ancient antiquity town; which is a destination must see by visitors from around the globe. It is surrounded by mountains from 3 directions. The militant group had swooped down on the town from the mountains nearby. Having executed their criminal deed, they fled through the labyrinths and mountain passes that they knew so very well that local police authority were rendered incompetent and irrelevant. 

Brigadier Sammi Annan was at his mountain-top air defense operational command headquarters when his communications unit picked up wireless walkie-talkie signal of unknown and rather strange sources. His monitoring unit listened in on the conversation, identifying the source interlocutors as a terrorist group who had just committed a dastardly cowardice deed.  

Brigadier Annan sent an SOS signal to local police chief, who had no clue what the commotion was all about. The Brigadier, realizing the gravity of the dastardly act on national security, immediately contacted the office of chief of staff of president Mubarak advising the office communications director of the facts and telling him that the local police chief was a “’moron who had no clue about nothing.””  The brigadier, in possession of anti-aircraft missile and AA gun torrent systems only, and no suitable logistics for police operations sent a platoon with light self-defense weapons after the terrorists, who by then, had reached thick mountain cover and well-studied escape routes requiring air rotary wing to track and attack, which he did not have. Such weapon systems are impertinent to the nature of air defense operations.

Mubarak himself, seeing the world outrage against the terror act, flew immediately to Luxor. He gave the cold shoulder to the town’s mayor, the province governor and chief of police, and requested an account from Brigadier Annan. Immediately thereafter, 41 high ranking officials were sacked including the minister of internal security and 10 of his deputies, the governor, the mayor and chief of police. Brigadier Annan received presidential commendation, and an order of merit allowing him to enroll in the already 3-month underway high command class at the Nassir High War Academy and a promotion to Maj General.

This kind of presidential arbitrary shoot-from-the-hip decision did not sit well with other, more deserving ranking officers. After all, Annan did nothing of substance. All he did was contact office of the president’s chief of staff and sent a rifle platoon on a ghost chase but changed nothing on the ground, provided nothing to capturing the criminals and contributed nothing to national security. In other words, his act deserved an “attaboy”, but not a heroic recognition. 

Once completed his High war College training, Annan was appointed Air-Defense Commandant (Commanding General of the Air Defense Corps.) Three years later, he was promoted to Lt. General and appointed Chief of Staff of Egypt’s armed forces, all without any operational experience, limited high command stunt, and no qualifications for competence other than Mrs. Mubarak appreciated his priority contact the day of the terror act.

Now we have all the facts to conclude that Lt. Gen Annan was never popular among all senior ranking officers, and for all the good reasons, so when president Morsi sacked him along with the “Old Goat” (Tantawi’s nickname), Nobody cried over his oust. Tantawi was regarded as a Mubarak aberration, (22 years as minister of defense), and was also not missed.

When Sammi Annan announced his bid for the presidential palace, not one member of the Supreme Military Council stood by him or supported him. In fact, he received an unprecedented, unanimous ridicule, and negative reactions reverberated in all his corridors. The only private calls for support came from Suzanne Mubarak, her sons and entourage.  Now, he was forced into shameful seclusion and was reduced to an old fool with hermetical introversion.

Egypt's psychopathic general could not stand to see his old boss overcasting him in his bid for the office of president. Each one of the two men viewed himself as more deserving and more qualified. In truth, however, neither man's service record supports the respective claim. Both were mediocre officers with mediocre records. Both had no clue that they were unqualified as well as incompetent.

And that is Egypt's greatest tragedy!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Criminal Junta and Marauding Police in Egypt

This first speaker account is a translation from an Arabic 

origin by request. It contains expletives and graphic 

language  ........ Discretion is advised.

It was a normal day when I woke up early in the morning and prepared to go to my college classes. I arrived on campus and found out there were student demonstrations already underway. I thought it was inevitable during the phase of political effervescence that Egypt was undergoing. After all, the coup d’état kept telling us they had come to rescue democracy in the land from the usurping hands of the MB traitors. They told us we were in a nation of freedom and liberties under their rule.

Only minutes had passed when all of a sudden the sky was raining pieces of steel emitting thick acrid and choking smoke. So acrid and caustic was the smoke that healthy mature young women fell limp on the ground upon breathing the ambient air around it. Two more minutes and black clad Tasmanian devils routed us from all directions and pounced on top of us. It felt like black vultures had swooped down on us from the skies.

I became so confused and dazed, and could not think clearly nor could I fathom the pandemonium around me. All I could hear were desperate and frantic cries coming from the girls fleeing the carnage a short distance away from me; “Run, run quickly, and get away from there!

Well, I didn’t run, and I had no idea what to run from and why. In fact in a strange sort of way, I wasn’t even fearful in my state of shock, until all of a sudden, I saw a massive arm surrounding my neck and felt it tightening the grip so hard that it turned my neck sideways allowing me to see him in a black mask with an official officer rank insignia of captain in an epaulet adorning his massive shoulders. And while his arm gripped my neck, he gave his hand permission to grope my breast in a filthy, vile and subhuman manner. 

All that while his herd of troopers were whipping my back and sides with their switches and batons amid their vile verbal name calling; “Move you daughter of a whore, move so that we turn you into a submissive ewe … Are you crying you daughter of a c*&%t? You have not seen anything yet, you slutty daughter of a slut.

I panicked and was crying hysterically while fending the switches from inflaming my body and pushing their hands from invading and ravishing my dignity.

As for the expletive language, I hope you will not take offense by it; I only meant to allow you to live the bitter reality I had endured and enable you to appreciate how we had felt.

They shoved me into a filthy police truck, which soon became crowded with crying and screaming young women like me, some showed an unusual resistance to panic and were defiant despite the violent prying of our Hijabs, severe beatings and extreme physical abuse.

The police van moved and we arrived at the police station. They paraded us in the most humiliating, almost inhuman manner in front of the low ranking police troopers who were each busy searching for his favorite part of our bodies to grope in the most sadistic and subhuman display of animalistic pleasure at the expense of our human dignity.

Once we were all in the filthy crowded cesspool of a place they had for us, an officer came in and ordered us to squat down and rise only upon calling our individual name which he was reading from our ID cards that they had confiscated.

I barely heard my name, and as I had been physically and mentally debilitated, I was unable to spring up standing as they ordered us to do, but while I was trying, he rushed at me screaming in my face, “Are you playing the weakling game on me, you “c*&%t-f*&^ed whore? Weren’t you strong enough to get into the demonstration? 

Suddenly I felt a massive hand striking the side of my face and neck that knocked me out of conscience, and did not come to for minutes, except to feel more hands striking my face and others groping every spot of my body. It appears that they had pulled me aside so that the troopers could enjoy their sadistic groping unimpeded by what was going on in other parts of the room while the other girls were suppressing their crying and moaning from pain so that they would not be subjected to the same treatment.

In a corner of the room, I heard the horrifying screams of one of the girls and looked to find out she had been tied up with ropes like a calf, the officer and every one of his herd of troops were severely beating her with unprecedented hatred, almost like lynching her. The herd of troops groping her and the officer telling her, this is for being a smart ass and answering me back you lowly whore, You will not get out of here until I f*&^k you and make you pregnant .. Seconds later, he dragged her on the floor out of the room and disappeared for one full hour. He returned dragging her back after an hour. She was silent and grim faced, but her eyes told us the whole story.

Towards the end of the day, they had finished all the reports filling them out with the usual bogus charges of terrorism, public menace, assaulting the authorities, illegal weapons, and the rest of the fabricated mendacity. They then dragged us literally by the arms and feet into the sell, which was another filthy cesspool unfit for pigs. 

There we sat and slept on filthy, urine-spotted tile floor, without mattresses or blankets. There we had to endure the lack of safety and security. There we had to endure the pigs coming in and out whenever they wished to grope our bodies, and if we screamed, we were beaten to pulp. 
This is my story, it is but one of thousand stories of young female students like me, and it is probably the least tragic and least criminal and least sadistic of the lot. 

This is what Human Rights Organizations choose to ignore because there are more pressing cases that require their attention; like women forbidden from driving cars in some countries. There is the hypocrisy that they don’t want to acknowledge.


Friday, April 4, 2014

........................... Hebrews, Ashkenazim and Ancient Egypt

Hebrew derives its origin from #Egypt’s ancient language which was a hybrid of Aramaic, Syriac, and Arabic, and it means "Passersby" ; essentially a reference to nomadic tribes without a homeland. 

Their early migration to Ancient Egypt took place during the reign of the Hyksos, another nomadic tribe that had invaded Ancient Egypt in an era of a weakling Pharaoh, and had extended over a period of 350 to 450 years. Under Hyksos rule, Ancient Egyptians enjoyed a measure of relative fairness and justice. 

It was the Era during which, Prophet Joseph had been sold to the chief of police as a boy after he had been dropped and abandoned in a dry water well by his jealous brothers. Nomadic caravan water seekers found and rescued him, but were not interested in keeping him. They sold the boy to the household of Ancient Egypt’s chief of Police. Joseph was brought up in a household of wealth and prestige. 

When Joseph was commissioned by divine mandate to being a prophet, he was endowed with compelling wisdom and penetrating insight, which propelled him to becoming the Hyksos Pharaoh’s minister of Finance, Treasury and taxation. Shortly thereafter, Joseph summoned his entire family and tribe from which, he had been separated as a boy by the plot and conspiracy of his elder brothers. 

That was the single most crucial event which had shaped the future and history of the Hebrew Nomads. They lived in Ancient Egypt under the reign of the Hyksos kings until the Great warrior native Pharaoh Ahmos I, from the remote and relatively independent southern regions, had finally waged a decisively successful war campaign, defeating the Hyksos and liberating Egypt. Unfortunately for the Hebrews, it was a catastrophic event.

Under many an arrogant, Haughty and diabolically wicked native Pharaohs, the Hebrews suffered more and more draconian subhuman slavery. They toiled in servitude for 300 to 400 years, until Pharaoh Merinbetah I, ordered all their infant male boys massacred and only female infants allowed to live. Moses escaped the massacre through a Divine protection scheme, and was brought up a prince in the royal court of Pharaoh Sety I. 

Merinbetah III was the Pharaoh whom Moses had to confront, and ultimately the biblical Pharaoh that we mistakenly believe he was the Great Remises II. 

Ashkenazim Jews were indeed one of the Hebrew tribes. They have ethnic origin in Ancient Babylonia; home of their great founding father; Prophet Abraham “Ibrahim” .. They are Caucasian of Semitic stock, having many of the Semitic features through much intermarriage within the Hebrew race. All Hebrew Jews were expelled from the Holly Land by the Roman Emperor Hadrian. The Ashkenazim Jews settled in West and Central Europe, in the common land area, now part of France, Poland and Germany.
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about 4 minutes ago

........................... Hebrews, Ashkenazim and Ancient Egypt

Hebrew derives its origin from #Egypt’s ancient language which was a hybrid of Aramaic, Syriac, and Arabic, and it means "Passersby" ; essentially a reference to nomadic tribes without a homeland.

Their early migration to Ancient Egypt took place during the reign of the Hyksos, another nomadic tribe that had invaded Ancient Egypt in an era of a weakling Pharaoh, and had extended over a period of 350 to 450 years. Under Hyksos rule, Ancient Egyptians enjoyed a measure of relative fairness and justice.

It was the Era during which, Prophet Joseph had been sold to the chief of police as a boy after he had been dropped and abandoned in a dry water well by his jealous brothers. Nomadic caravan water seekers found and rescued him, but were not interested in keeping him. They sold the boy to the household of Ancient Egypt’s chief of Police. Joseph was brought up in a household of wealth and prestige.

When Joseph was commissioned by divine mandate to being a prophet, he was endowed with compelling wisdom and penetrating insight, which propelled him to becoming the Hyksos Pharaoh’s minister of Finance, Treasury and taxation. Shortly thereafter, Joseph summoned his entire family and tribe from which, he had been separated as a boy by the plot and conspiracy of his elder brothers.                                             Hyksos

That was the single most crucial event which had shaped the future and history of the Hebrew Nomads. They lived in Ancient Egypt under the reign of the Hyksos kings until the Great warrior native Pharaoh Ahmos I, from the remote and relatively independent southern regions, had finally waged a decisively successful war campaign, defeating the Hyksos and liberating Egypt. Unfortunately for the Hebrews, it was a catastrophic event.

Under many an arrogant, Haughty and diabolically wicked native Pharaoh, the Hebrews suffered more and more draconian subhuman slavery. They toiled in servitude for 300 to 400 years, until Pharaoh Merinbetah I, ordered all their infant male newborns massacred and only female infants allowed to live. Moses escaped the massacre through a Divine protection scheme, and was brought up a prince in the royal court of Pharaoh Sety I.

Merinbetah III was the Pharaoh whom Moses had to confront, and ultimately the biblical Pharaoh that we mistakenly believe he was the Great Remises II.

Ashkenazim Jews were indeed one of the Hebrew tribes. They have ethnic origin in Ancient Babylonia; home of their great founding father; Prophet Abraham “Ibrahim” .. They are Caucasian of Semitic stock, having many of the Semitic features through much intermarriage within the Hebrew race. All Hebrew Jews were expelled from the Holly Land by the Roman Emperor Hadrian. The Ashkenazim Jews settled in West and Central Europe, in the common land area, now part of France, Poland and Germany.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished

In the jubilation that followed Jan25 Egyptian uprising against former despotic dictator Hosni Mubarak, Hillary Clinton, then US secretary of state, did not waste time when, in a hastily convened press conference, did not mince words by declaring that popular revolutions were healthy but in the case of a pivotal state like Egypt, we must be careful and we must guide this revolution and take it by the hands if necessary in order to protect US strategic interests.

When pressed further, Mrs. Clinton said that the US could not possibly allow the uprising to move hastily. The process must move slowly, very slowly, under our watching and guiding eyes and we will help the Egyptian people to achieve a lasting democracy, she said.

Mrs. Clinton was referring to a popular revolution that had all the sound bites of Anti Americanism. Mubarak was regarded as a US staunch ally and gate keeper to the security of Israel. The revolution sounded a different tune, and Mrs. Clinton was making sure everyone heard her message.

The Obama administration, guided by a powerful pro-Israel cadre of Zionist advisers permeating the entire US State Department and the White House, took quick steps to augment the US guiding role in the events ensuing in Egypt. Anne Patterson; An Ardent Zionist Diplomat was quickly summoned from her post of chief of US mission in Pakistan to replace US ambassador in Egypt Margaret Scobey to whom, Egypt was regarded as too big a shoe for her foot.

Anne Patterson immediately got down to business. She placed priorities over the roles and functions of all the NGOs which had been operating in Egypt under the supervision of various US State agencies. She also requested, and was granted a 1000% increase in their US funded budget.

While the CIA had an office in the US embassy compound in garden City, Cairo, operating under the auspices of diplomatic covers, Anne Patterson made full use of their experience while establishing extensive relationships with Egypt’s numerous political party heads, justices of the powerful Supreme Court, and media moguls, in addition to prominent libertine politicians and political science academics known for their total conformity with US views and values.

Neither the US State Department nor the CIA had to reinvent the wheel in dealing with the precarious political theater in post revolution Egypt. In fact both had extensive experiences in addressing popular revolutions aimed at dislodging US hegemony.

All the signs of the current political turmoil in Egypt indicate that the Zionist-guided US policy has been fruitful and has achieved most if not all its intended goals; slow, chaotic transition, toppling of an expected Muslim Brotherhood easy win at the ballot, and protracted political quagmire. Those were only the first steps. The return of the role of the powerful pro-Israel Junta was a pleasant bonus but not a surprise.

Egypt, as intended by her US based Zionist planners, is now in total social turmoil, economically at the edge of bankruptcy, and politically narrow-escaping a status of failed state. It is exactly where it has been planned for her, weak, confused and striving for bare survival with a hat in hand for US and Oil Arab largess.

So vulnerable Muslim Egypt is that every plan in the Zionist agenda for her, from moral decadence promoting homosexuality and open adultery to the disintegration of social values holding the fabric of society together, to profligate consumerism, are easily carried out with little to no resistance except from the marginalized and disenfranchised Muslim groups who, now, are by and large in prisons or fugitives of the powerful coup d’état regime.

Campaigns for fresh presidential election will soon be underway under the auspices of a cruel military dictatorship whose hands are stained with the blood of oppositions. But the climate is ambiguous and observers are deferring judgment until the chief of Junta makes a public declaration of his intention. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

RyRy; The Little Terrorist

RyRy; The Little Terrorist

Please add this Little Terrorist to your Group