Mission Accomplished
In the jubilation that followed Jan25 Egyptian uprising against
former despotic dictator Hosni Mubarak, Hillary Clinton, then US secretary of
state, did not waste time when, in a hastily convened press conference, did
not mince words by declaring that popular revolutions were healthy but in the
case of a pivotal state like Egypt, we must be careful and we must guide this
revolution and take it by the hands if necessary in order to protect US
strategic interests.
When pressed further, Mrs. Clinton said that the US could not
possibly allow the uprising to move hastily. The process must move slowly, very
slowly, under our watching and guiding eyes and we will help the Egyptian
people to achieve a lasting democracy, she said.
Mrs. Clinton was referring to a popular revolution that had all
the sound bites of Anti Americanism. Mubarak was regarded as a US staunch ally
and gate keeper to the security of Israel. The revolution sounded a different
tune, and Mrs. Clinton was making sure everyone heard her message.
The Obama administration, guided by a powerful pro-Israel cadre
of Zionist advisers permeating the entire US State Department and the White
House, took quick steps to augment the US guiding role in the events ensuing in
Egypt. Anne Patterson; An Ardent Zionist Diplomat was quickly summoned from her
post of chief of US mission in Pakistan to replace US ambassador in Egypt
Margaret Scobey to whom, Egypt was regarded as too big a shoe for her foot.
Anne Patterson immediately got down to business. She placed
priorities over the roles and functions of all the NGOs which had been
operating in Egypt under the supervision of various US State agencies. She also
requested, and was granted a 1000% increase in their US funded budget.
While the CIA had an office in the US embassy compound in garden
City, Cairo, operating under the auspices of diplomatic covers, Anne Patterson
made full use of their experience while establishing extensive relationships
with Egypt’s numerous political party heads, justices of the powerful Supreme
Court, and media moguls, in addition to prominent libertine politicians and
political science academics known for their total conformity with US views and
Neither the US State Department nor the CIA had to reinvent the
wheel in dealing with the precarious political theater in post revolution
Egypt. In fact both had extensive experiences in addressing popular revolutions
aimed at dislodging US hegemony.
All the signs of the current political turmoil in Egypt indicate
that the Zionist-guided US policy has been fruitful and has achieved most if
not all its intended goals; slow, chaotic transition, toppling of an expected
Muslim Brotherhood easy win at the ballot, and protracted political quagmire. Those
were only the first steps. The return of the role of the powerful pro-Israel
Junta was a pleasant bonus but not a surprise.
Egypt, as intended by her US based Zionist planners, is now in
total social turmoil, economically at the edge of bankruptcy, and politically
narrow-escaping a status of failed state. It is exactly where it has been
planned for her, weak, confused and striving for bare survival with a hat in
hand for US and Oil Arab largess.
So vulnerable Muslim Egypt is that every plan in the Zionist agenda
for her, from moral decadence promoting homosexuality and open adultery to the
disintegration of social values holding the fabric of society together, to
profligate consumerism, are easily carried out with little to no resistance
except from the marginalized and disenfranchised Muslim groups who, now, are by
and large in prisons or fugitives of the powerful coup d’état regime.
Campaigns for fresh presidential election will soon be underway
under the auspices of a cruel military dictatorship whose hands are stained
with the blood of oppositions. But the climate is ambiguous and observers are
deferring judgment until the chief of Junta makes a public declaration of his