Monday, May 16, 2011

The Origin of the Children of Israel, Jews and Early Christians

Interesting Facts about  the Early Israelites and Early Christians

The Photograph Depicts The Possible Route That Jesus' Mother was said to have taken to the Manger Where Jesus Was Born. The Photograph is an Extremely Rare and Possibly The Only One of its Kind Extant, Was taken From The US Embassy, Jerusalem Just Before what Palestinians call "Nakbah" .... Which is Arabic for catastrophe; the Jew-invasion of the land of Palestine. 



The Qupts of Egypt (Christian Egyptians) are not Nassara and do not like to be called Nassara. … The word Qupt derives its origin from the Greek “Egyptus” and had been adulterated through historic and geographic linguistic evolution as follows: Egyptus, Gyptus, Goptus, Gopt and “Qupt or Qopt.”

Christianity came to Egypt very early on during the mission of the Messiah Jesus Christ , and all early 1st Century Christian Egyptians were Unitarians. … Late 1st and second Century doctrinal changes and the amalgamation of the Egyptian Age-Old Trinitarian Doctrine of Osiris-Isis and Horus with Early Christian tenet shaped the second and later Christian Trinitarian Doctrine in Alexandria, then the greatest center of civilization on the face of the Earth, and the focal center of all bearers of the beacons of learning and knowledge in the old world. 

The Gospel of Saint Thomas, dismissed by modern day Christian Qupts as heretic, marked the first attempt to transmogrify Unitarian doctrine into the now established Trinitarian tenet.


The Jews Time-Line is divided into Three Distinct Historical Eras; 1) The Bondage in Egypt, 2) The Holy land and 3) The 2nd Diaspora … But the name or noun or adjective JEW was never applied until they actually entered into the land of Judea & Samaria (Yahooda & Samera).

12 Tribes all in all, some of whom settled in Judea & Samaria in Central Palestine, and the remaining tribes conquered the northern Galilee with the main town known as Nazareth (Al-Nasserah), hence were known as the Nazarene, hence Al-Yahood and Al-Nassara (in the Quran.)

(Note that there was also a village bearing the same name (Nazareth) Near Jerusalem, but that’s where the Jews after the 1st Diaspora referred to Jesus’s Birth Place to make him a Jew instead of a Nazarene!)

Prior to entering the Holy Land, all the tribes had been referred to as The Children of Israel until Jesus made his mission known to them (to all the Children of Israel.) … The Jews, however, claim Jesus to be a Jew … He was not …… Jew means “Of Judea” … Jesus was an Imranite from the family lineage of Imran who in turn, were Nazarene dwelling in northern Galilee and not Jerusalem as the Jews would have us believe.

The New Testament of the Christian Bible refers to him as “Jesus of Nazareth.” … The Pharisees or the Scribes of the Jews dismissed all the tribes who had refused to settle in Judea and Samaria as apostate and did not accept them as “Jews.”, hence, the distinction between “Al-Yahood and Al-Nassara”

Initially, all the tribes of Israel settling in Nasserah (Nazareth), out of whom, the family of Emran descended, embraced Jesus’s message and constituted the Nasara, to whom the Quran refers. Whereas, the Jews (Al-Yahood) were the biggest tribes who had settled Judea & Samaria, to whom the Quran refers as Al- Yahood. 

You will notice that, before Jesus (Eisa), the Quran never referred to them as Al-Yahood … This came only after Jesus … Before Jesus, All of them had been referred to as “ Banee Israeel” (the Children of Israel.) فآمنت طاىفة من بنى إسراىيل وكفرت طاىفة … Meaning some tribes of Bani Israeel Embraced Jesus and the Jews rejected him (Kafarat.)

Of exceptional note, historians follow this rule of thumb;  all the Jews belong to the Children of Israel ( Bani Israeel.) … But Not all the Children of Israel (Bani Israeel) are Jews.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Maybe We Have Lost Our Innocence. But I Will Never Give up the Dream.

The Photograph is of a Jerusalem Masjid and a Church sharing the same 
gardens and landscape ... Taken from the Archives of the US embassy, Jerusalem.

Maybe We Have Lost Our Innocence.
But I Will Never Give up the Dream.

Around mid-December 2010, a meeting was organized by the Geneva Initiative and brought together Israeli and Palestinian legislators with Israeli peace activists in Ramallah, Occupied Palestine. Prominent members present included Hanan Ashrawi who was making headlines as a prominent member of the PLO during the Arafat Era according to Julian Walsh of the BBC World Service. 

In the introduction to the interview, Julian Wash said that when the Madrid peace conference convened in October 1991, Ashrawi, a professor of English literature from Ramallah, was appointed member of the Palestinian negotiating team. 

She represented the new, enlightened face of the PLO: Palestinian patriot, peace-seeker, intellectual, woman and Christian all in one. The talks with the Israeli delegation were limping along and getting nowhere when the astounding news of the completion of the Oslo peace accords arrived unexpectedly in September 1993. 

Ashrawi said that when the first reports came in, she asked one of her colleagues: "Are you sure there's nothing about a settlement freeze? She said she could not disguise her anger at her colleagues from Tunis. She explained in the interview that the Palestinian representatives at the Oslo talks were living in exile and not sufficiently aware of what living under occupation and the theft of lands really meant.

She told BBC’s Julian Walsh that from the beginning, when they met with James Baker, they asked him to stop all settlements. He said the only way to stop them would be to start negotiations. And that has been the repeated mantra; … Negotiations will stop settlements. The only thing they got was settlement expansion, loss of land, and loss of credibility in the occupied territories; they saw there was a process for its own sake, without substance or application to reality … They were naïve, and they didn’t know it!

Asked about the role of the committee, she said that, among other things, the committee works against false arrests and torture, illegal dismissals from the police force and failure to heed court rulings. The BBC said that In January 1996, Ashrawi was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council as an independent candidate from the Jerusalem district. No candidate received more votes than she did, Julian Wash explained in the one full hour program.
For three years, she was the Palestinian minister of higher education and research. She founded the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, which deals with leadership, women's rights, information and policy.
She said that In 2006, she became a member of the committee supervising the negotiations with the Israelis. Last year, she ran as an independent candidate for a seat on the 18-member PLO Executive Committee. She became the first woman member of this senior body. 

Julian Walsh asked her Almost 20 years have passed since she first took part in negotiations with Israelis. “Do you believe you will ever get to meet with them when they are no longer representing occupiers and occupied?

She said: "I believe the Israelis never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. When matters come close, something happens and they back down. They think they are not really occupiers because of the wall, which is both physical and metaphorical - they are spared the ugliness of the occupation."

Julian Walsh asked her what she wanted to leave the audience with, she said: “When I was asked in the '90s whether we would see a PA state before the end of the century, I said of course - that's what I promised my daughters - we owe it to our children. And now here we are, and it's heartbreaking. But we can't give up. Maybe we have lost our innocence. But I will never give up the dream.

The Hunt For Zionist War Criminals, Truth or Hypocrisy?

Does anyone ever wonder why great effort is made at the behest of world Jews to hunt down and prosecute suspected Nazi war criminals and no effort is made, under the pressure of world Jews, to bring Zionist war criminals to justice?

It is abundantly clear that every attempt to bring Zionist war criminals to justice gets blocked, and every attempt to institute international decrees or legislation to criminalize Zionist war crimes gets killed at inception. Furthermore, every attempt to subject Zionist war criminals to arrest warrants once out of the state of Israel have been thwarted thanks to the vehement intimidation exerted by world Zionism on the international body of nations.

The stark hypocrisy with which Nazi war criminals are hunted down while Zionist war criminals are exonerated can be gleaned through one look at what the BBC does … A giant and prestigious news, information and entertainment media the caliber of the BBC is at best circumspect when its World News Service runs a lengthy story with the headline Global Nazi investigations rise for a second year in a row. 

The editor of this program, which had a parallel copy running simultaneously on the BBC web site, was a character who Runs a photography studio, owns a liquor store and a nude club, is a BBC journalist and grew up in Malta’s red-light district.” (His other 50 listed stories for the BBC include “Brilliant” News for Lesbian Couples and “What Sort of Man Wears “Mantyhose”?) … That was the sort of, or the caliber rather, of a journalist in whom the BBC placed its global trust to run a Nazi war criminals hunt story … 

Without Internet search engines, Neither I nor any average news consumer would have had a clue about this character!

The sleazy journalist’s story was based on the latest report by the Wiesenthal Center which is a Zionist owned and operated Israeli think tank … According to it, the number of ongoing investigations tipped 1500 cases in the year 2010 alone!

The head of this Wiesenthal Center Jerusalem branch was quoted on the NYT as saying there were two reasons for the rise in the number of prosecutions. 1)“It’s clear that we’re reaching the end of the period in which this work will be possible; because all suspects will be dead. 

This has motivated countries falling under the Zionist’s political will to make great efforts to prosecute former Nazis, the most recent and celebrated case was in the United States.

And 2)Many countries and Germany in particular have changed their laws under Jewish pressure, to allow more suspects – particularly those who were not officer class and those of non-German origin – to be prosecuted.” The increase in the number of German prosecutions was the most dramatic, up from 27 in 2008 to 1077 in 2009. And that was why the Israeli Center awarded Germany an A-grade for its efforts to prosecute ex-Nazis. Previously only the United States had been given the SWC’s top marks.

The Center gave nine countries failing grades for their investigative efforts -Norway, Sweden, Syria, Australia, Canada, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Had there been an institution working to bring Zionist war criminals to justice, it would have awarded failing grades to every country on the face of the Earth.

The last affront to human dignity, and the international rule of law and justice was Barack Obama’s burial of the Goldstone Report … It is surely proof that calling and holding Israel’s war criminal politicians to account for their crimes is governed by the degree of Zionist’s connivance and the hypocrisy of the West who see Israel as their front line for their war against Islam.

Guilt By Association, The Nuremberg Doctrine

Guilt By Association, The Nuremberg Doctrine

We observe with great amusement how vociferous the voices which object to naming Zionist Jews culprits for the crimes against humanity committed by the Israelis against Palestinians.

And we observe the tears of crocodiles shed by Jews where ever they exist when fingers are pointed at them for war crimes perpetrated by their compatriots in Israel against an unarmed civilian population under criminal occupation in their own country in Palestine.
And we watch with great curiosity the reaction and expressions of hatred and venom on the faces of Jews when we refer to the Zionist's greatest land armed robbery in the history of the world.

Our amusement should not stop at world Jewry or Judeo-Christian neocons, or American Evangelicals for this matter. Those can be lump-summed in a category of their own for being more Jew-like than the Jews themselves. But it extends to a whole new generation of Muslims in the Islamic world, who have been brain-washed, having been subjected to American Zionist influence in their respective countries. The Zionist Jew literally rewrote and redesigned their national education systems so as to wipe clean the records of Jew-connivance and atrocities along their biblical, their post-Titus and their medieval as well as their modern history.

So the question remains; should we blame all Zionist Jews for the war crimes and Crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli Jews on the unarmed civilian Palestinians; Men, women and children? The answer is very simple. And to demonstrate how simple it is, let us run this thought experiment by asking ourselves the following questions:

1- Do the Jewish people, anywhere they exist, call for the return of Israelis to Brooklyn, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Poland or whatever land they came from when they committed the world's greatest land armed robbery in Palestine? 
2- Do they call for Returning Palestine to the Palestinians unconditionally? 
3- Do they call for making reparations and paying compensations to Palestinians for war crimes committed against them since their wanton and criminal invasion of Palestine in the beginning of the 20th century and immediately after WW II?

If the answer would be yes, if that would be what the rest of the Jewish people would call for, then I would have nothing against the Jewish people. But they would not; not many of them, not a few, not any! The Jews, whether in Israel or outside Israel have committed those war crimes and used the Nazi holocaust to justify them. They shed tears of crocodiles for what Hitler did to them as an excuse for their wanton crimes in Palestine. 

Some Jews  pretend to be against Israeli atrocities, but they never call for true justice in Palestine! Not for a second will they ever call for one Jew to leave the land of Palestine. But they will not hesitate to demand Palestinians to look for another country to live in and leave Palestine to Jews.

Many have argued that some remnants of a certain rabbinical order protest vehemently the existence of the state of Israel. To them I say if they still exist, they're either less than a handful or they have already become extinct ... Besides, all other Jews who oppose Israel, are not against Israeli existence on Palestinian land; rather they are merely against what they call, "Harsh treatment of Palestinians in the state of Israel!" 

Let us be absolutely clear on this issue. It was the Jews who committed the greatest Land Theft in human history, armed robbery style, and it was the Jews who used the world media that they own and control to deceive the human race in the greatest disinformation subterfuge in the history of the world.  

Some Jews, connivingly, claim that it is the Zionist Jews and not all Jews ... So what do the rest of the Jews call for? ... They may call for some leniency in the manner in which atrocities are committed!  ... Some honorable mention do they really deserve, right! ... Wrong! ... Zionist Jews are no different from any other Jews; they all claim Palestine as their God-Given land.  For anyone to make the distinction is to fall into the conspiracy of deception and perpetuate the crime.

Yet The Jews, worldwide, never waste an opportunity to wail and squeal  Antisemitism, demanding that we should stop pointing at them regarding their Zionist crimes. Brazenly and connivingly, using their owned world media, they call the Palestinians "Terrorists!" because they demand their homeland back and are ready to fight for their legitimate cause…

They are as innocent as serpents and vipers. The murderers of biblical prophets. What did Jesus call them? … He called them Hypocrites, Serpents, Brood of Serpents, vipers, brood of vipers … He called them Murderers of the Prophets of God … Their modern time breeds actually accuse Jesus Christ of being an Anti-Semite! And they demand purging his name from all canonical Bibles.

They murdered Josiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Imran, Zachariah, and John the Baptist? They trotted the Holy Land claiming that they murdered Jesus Christ himself? Now they squarely, connivingly blame the Romans for it! They have actually successfully convinced Christians of this! Revising the Torah, and biblical history and parables by fraud has been a profession some of them have bequeathed; generations to the next since Moses.

The greatest subterfuge in modern human history has been  cooked in the Jew-media and executed in a manner that would ensure the world would see only contrived images of victims of an industrial commercial hoax; the holocaust. The Palestinian land theft has been so distorted, turning victim to villain so that the world would wish to see the time the Palestinians would just as well disappear and go somewhere else.... 

Jews' war crimes in Occupied Palestine and crimes against humanity have been transmogrified into legitimate war against what they called "terrorist Palestinians." A scam they called "new Anti-Semitism" was concocted to turn the world's attention away from their criminal atrocities being perpetrated against the Palestinians.... Those Jews, everywhere, and anywhere are just as guilty ... They are Guilty by conspiracy, guilty by complacency, and guilty by association. 

Guilt by association is the charge with which the International Jew slammed every German during the Nuremberg Trials and they still do to milk more money out of Germany for what Hitler supposedly did to them.

What do Jews say in defense against all these charges … They’ll never deny them because they can’t deny them; instead, they’ll call you an Anti-Semite!!!!! What is an Anti-Semite? … An Anti-Semite is one who knows the truth about the Jews and Fears Not telling the truth about the Jews!

Got it Now, Zionist Jews?


Friday, May 6, 2011

So The Question is, Can You Actually Imagine What a Trillion Dollars Look Like?

We Hear that a Million Dollars is a lot of Money! ... Then We have Found out that Mubarak's Loot is Between $40 and 70 Billion Dollars! ... Then Al Ahram Center For Strategic Studies has Published a Research Paper revealing that the Total Looted and Smuggled Money Out of Egypt throughout the Past 30 Years is 1.4 Trillion Dollars clipped out of the bread, Fool and Falaffel of the starving class of Egypt.

So The Question is, Can You Actually Imagine What a Trillion Dollars Look Like? ... 

Let us Find Out, Shall We?

Let Us Start With a $100 Bill
A $100 Bill is the Largest US Currency Denomination in Circulation


This is a Bundle of 100 X $100 Bills
The Total value of this Bundle is $10,000


The Illustration Below Shows you the Relative Size of a Stack of 
1 Million Dollars Compared to An Average Person

A Stack of $1,000,000


If You have a Heart Condition, Quit Now

This is What One Hundred Million Dollars Look Like

This is What $One Billion (Milliard) Dollars Look Like


Now We have Arrived at Where We Will Be Able To See What a Trillion Dollars Look Like

 Trillion Dollars is What Mubarak's Thieves Were Able To Loot and Smuggle Out of Egypt Over the Past 30 Years

Notice The relative Size Between The Stack of Money 

and The Person Standing in Front of it!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Perhaps the Greatest and Purest Collection of Literary Heritage in Existence

The Late Sir Steven Runciman, Royal Crown Historian and Chief Archivist of the British   Imperial Archives; perhaps the Most Eminent Historian of the 20th century, was Chair-Master (Chairman of the Department) of History at both Oxford and Cambridge simultaneously, and the only Professor of history to have occupied this most eminent of academic ranks in the entire history of the two great rival universities.

Sir Steven Visited دار الكتب, (literally, The House of Books) in Cairo, in 1968 and described it as, "Perhaps the Greatest and Purest Collection of Literature of Modern Human Heritage in Existence."

His visit was in response to an invitation  by the Egyptian ministry of culture and information to examine its condition and consult on its restoration and the introduction of modern archival science and technology to it ... He didn't waste one minute and got to work immediately.

He laid down a restoration plan, and, seeing that it was a priceless literary wealth for humanity, he called for the immediate government decree to place it under "State Eminent Domain" ... That is to prohibit by the force of law any attempt to tamper with, or remove any of its contents for any reason, purpose or guise without joint government and public supervision, and only for the purpose of restoration, improvement or development of its archival systems and buildings. 

At the time, Egypt was at war with the Sons of Zion (بنى صهيون) and all resources were being funneled to the war budget, so the project was shelved unnecessarily when it could have been protected pending securing the necessary restoration funds which, the UNICEF was happy to front.  Unfortunately, the nation had  very serious national security issues on its hands that had diverted its attention away from the project. 

In 1971 the great Late Nasser of Egypt died, and was succeeded by his vice president, Anwar Al Sadat, a much lesser figure in leadership and human qualities.... His wife, Jihanne Ra'Oof Al Sadat was entrusted with some domestic projects including The House of Books "دار الكتب" but she failed miserably in everything she placed her hands on with the exception of diluting the moral fortitude of the Egyptian society.

Anwar Al Sadat was dispatched to his maker by members of a persecuted Islamic group, and was succeeded by his vice president whom we now know as the “Ousted Dictator” and his greedy thieving wife that we now know as “Suzette Antoinette.”

Suzette Antoinette stood accused of selling priceless contents of the House of Books "دار الكتب" to some unscrupulous shadowy characters from Arabia more than a decade ago; a scandal that had led to the revival of Sir Steven's  restoration project.

Now, The House of Books "دار الكتب" has been partially, but not professionally, restored. Yet, despite its United Nation's status as a preeminent  cultural center, and when the libraries of the greatest Universities of the world offer glimpse of its literary treasures in the form of catalogs and references, it is almost unknown to most Egyptians. 

Much like The House of Books "دار الكتب", Sir Steven  was ignored by the culture that he had championed. Sir Steven, who died in  late 2000 and was mourned by every great university and academic institution on Earth, including Zionist entities, even though he himself was anti-Zionist, was unknown in the Arab world ........

He was the great historian who, having laid his eyes on the authentic history of the crusades in the House of Books, literally leaped in the air at age 71 out of exuberance, and said, "Now the truth shall finally see daylight." ... 

He spent ten years journeying between Cairo, London, Oxford and Cambridge exerting supreme scholastic effort and influence, and wrote his monumental  "A History of the Crusades." ...A gigantic three volume work of 1800 page each, narrating the barbaric history of the European crusading campaigns in the East under the guise of liberating the Holy Land from the "savage muslims." ... 

This work stands now as the greatest narrative of the barbaric crusading campaigns ever written by a scholar of western thought. It is a testament to how the ugly face of barbarism could be unveiled by an honest scholar and historian once given the opportunity.

Sir Steven established the "Salah Eddean" Chair in the department of history at Cambridge University which, became the most prestigious academic chair in the department  of the humanities of all British Universities, and occupied only by the greatest of academicians  who must receive at least 70% of the commendations and vote of confidence from their peers to become candidates for the post.

With the death of Sir Steven  in November of 2000, the Zionist Jews of Cambridge conspired by bribes and monetary influence to have the chair name withdrawn and replaced by the name sake of a Jew historian.

Not one Arabic University, Not One Arabic News Publication, and Not One Arabic News Media ever mentioned Sir Steven Runciman, the man who honored Salah Eddean so much so that he re-opened the entire history of the Crusades and re-examined it to show his own people how great Islam was vs. the barbaric wanton criminal atrocities perpetrated by those who called themselves Christians.