Guilt By Association, The Nuremberg Doctrine
We observe with great amusement how vociferous the voices which object to naming Zionist Jews culprits for the crimes against humanity committed by the Israelis against Palestinians.
And we observe the tears of crocodiles shed by Jews where ever they exist when fingers are pointed at them for war crimes perpetrated by their compatriots in Israel against an unarmed civilian population under criminal occupation in their own country in Palestine.
And we watch with great curiosity the reaction and expressions of hatred and venom on the faces of Jews when we refer to the Zionist's greatest land armed robbery in the history of the world.
Our amusement should not stop at world Jewry or Judeo-Christian neocons, or American Evangelicals for this matter. Those can be lump-summed in a category of their own for being more Jew-like than the Jews themselves. But it extends to a whole new generation of Muslims in the Islamic world, who have been brain-washed, having been subjected to American Zionist influence in their respective countries. The Zionist Jew literally rewrote and redesigned their national education systems so as to wipe clean the records of Jew-connivance and atrocities along their biblical, their post-Titus and their medieval as well as their modern history.
2- Do they call for Returning Palestine to the Palestinians unconditionally?
3- Do they call for making reparations and paying compensations to Palestinians for war crimes committed against them since their wanton and criminal invasion of Palestine in the beginning of the 20th century and immediately after WW II?
If the answer would be yes, if that would be what the rest of the Jewish people would call for, then I would have nothing against the Jewish people. But they would not; not many of them, not a few, not any! The Jews, whether in Israel or outside Israel have committed those war crimes and used the Nazi holocaust to justify them. They shed tears of crocodiles for what Hitler did to them as an excuse for their wanton crimes in Palestine.
Some Jews pretend to be against Israeli atrocities, but they never call for true justice in Palestine! Not for a second will they ever call for one Jew to leave the land of Palestine. But they will not hesitate to demand Palestinians to look for another country to live in and leave Palestine to Jews.
Many have argued that some remnants of a certain rabbinical order protest vehemently the existence of the state of Israel. To them I say if they still exist, they're either less than a handful or they have already become extinct ... Besides, all other Jews who oppose Israel, are not against Israeli existence on Palestinian land; rather they are merely against what they call, "Harsh treatment of Palestinians in the state of Israel!"
Some Jews pretend to be against Israeli atrocities, but they never call for true justice in Palestine! Not for a second will they ever call for one Jew to leave the land of Palestine. But they will not hesitate to demand Palestinians to look for another country to live in and leave Palestine to Jews.
Many have argued that some remnants of a certain rabbinical order protest vehemently the existence of the state of Israel. To them I say if they still exist, they're either less than a handful or they have already become extinct ... Besides, all other Jews who oppose Israel, are not against Israeli existence on Palestinian land; rather they are merely against what they call, "Harsh treatment of Palestinians in the state of Israel!"
Let us be absolutely clear on this issue. It was the Jews who committed the greatest Land Theft in human history, armed robbery style, and it was the Jews who used the world media that they own and control to deceive the human race in the greatest disinformation subterfuge in the history of the world.
Some Jews, connivingly, claim that it is the Zionist Jews and not all Jews ... So what do the rest of the Jews call for? ... They may call for some leniency in the manner in which atrocities are committed! ... Some honorable mention do they really deserve, right! ... Wrong! ... Zionist Jews are no different from any other Jews; they all claim Palestine as their God-Given land. For anyone to make the distinction is to fall into the conspiracy of deception and perpetuate the crime.
Yet The Jews, worldwide, never waste an opportunity to wail and squeal Antisemitism, demanding that we should stop pointing at them regarding their Zionist crimes. Brazenly and connivingly, using their owned world media, they call the Palestinians "Terrorists!" because they demand their homeland back and are ready to fight for their legitimate cause…
They are as innocent as serpents and vipers. The murderers of biblical prophets. What did Jesus call them? … He called them Hypocrites, Serpents, Brood of Serpents, vipers, brood of vipers … He called them Murderers of the Prophets of God … Their modern time breeds actually accuse Jesus Christ of being an Anti-Semite! And they demand purging his name from all canonical Bibles.
They murdered Josiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Imran, Zachariah, and John the Baptist? They trotted the Holy Land claiming that they murdered Jesus Christ himself? Now they squarely, connivingly blame the Romans for it! They have actually successfully convinced Christians of this! Revising the Torah, and biblical history and parables by fraud has been a profession some of them have bequeathed; generations to the next since Moses.
The greatest subterfuge in modern human history has been cooked in the Jew-media and executed in a manner that would ensure the world would see only contrived images of victims of an industrial commercial hoax; the holocaust. The Palestinian land theft has been so distorted, turning victim to villain so that the world would wish to see the time the Palestinians would just as well disappear and go somewhere else....
Jews' war crimes in Occupied Palestine and crimes against humanity have been transmogrified into legitimate war against what they called "terrorist Palestinians." A scam they called "new Anti-Semitism" was concocted to turn the world's attention away from their criminal atrocities being perpetrated against the Palestinians.... Those Jews, everywhere, and anywhere are just as guilty ... They are Guilty by conspiracy, guilty by complacency, and guilty by association.
Jews' war crimes in Occupied Palestine and crimes against humanity have been transmogrified into legitimate war against what they called "terrorist Palestinians." A scam they called "new Anti-Semitism" was concocted to turn the world's attention away from their criminal atrocities being perpetrated against the Palestinians.... Those Jews, everywhere, and anywhere are just as guilty ... They are Guilty by conspiracy, guilty by complacency, and guilty by association.
Guilt by association is the charge with which the International Jew slammed every German during the Nuremberg Trials and they still do to milk more money out of Germany for what Hitler supposedly did to them.
Got it Now, Zionist Jews?