The Mafia Family Led by the Old Crone Herself ....
The Library of Alexandria
Only 6 years after the decrepit mummy had ascended to power in a blink of ill-fate, the old crone was widely quoted by all the crony nouveau riche société parasiting around her as saying that it was time the old monarchy was restored back to Egypt. She touted herself as a legitimate heir to be crowned queen of the land, and that her 2 Nannoose were the best the world could produce to be Crown princes.
Just so that you understand the immense inferiority complex this woman had suffered from in much the same way her predecessor; Jihan Sadat, did, she invented a story that her grandfather was a member of a Welch Aristocratic Clan family.
Of course the local media in total servility, touted the story and invented bogus family tree, but when it was subjected to Welch examination, it was dismissed without too much fuss as bogus and not worthy of commentary.
This Old Crone has been behind some of the worst corruption schemes in the world leading to amassing one of the greatest family fortunes in history according to the most authoritative world investigative journalists. And by snatching bread crumbs out of the mouths of children. She has been accused of Looting the National Antiquity Treasures selling them to Arab Oil Sheikhs for Billions of Dollars and pocketing the money in her secret UAE bank accounts where, she was promised, would be protected against legal pursue.
The Library of Alexandria
This Mafia family led by this old crone must never be allowed to leave the country and must be tried for all the Haynes crimes they committed against the people and the dignity of the state.