Saturday, February 19, 2011

Military Insight.

What is the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces?

It is the National Security Council of the land. In theory it is always convened. However, It is presided over by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, that is the President of Egypt. Its membership is comprised of Senior Military personnel and Senior Civilian members of the parliament and the government.

1- The Commanding General of the armed forces, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,    The Chief of Military Operations, The Chiefs of General and Military Intelligence, Commanding Generals of the Branches of the armed forces and their Chiefs of Staff and Finally Commanders of the three Field Corps of the Land Forces.

2- The Vice President, the Prime Minister, The two speakers of the houses and The Chairman of the dominant political party.

3- During the recent events, the armed forces dispensed with all civilian members, but most significantly. It convened without the Supreme Commander of the armed forces; who is the president.

This particular step is so significant that only very few people were able to realize its grave implications. When the Commanding General convened the SCAF without the president, he meant to advise the entire nation and its institution that the president is no longer the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. This means that the president is no longer President !

The communiqué acknowledged the legitimacy of the revolution of the people and declared that the armed forces will stand on the side of the people. This has grave implication, because it essentially gives the president an ultimatum: Resign or we will remove you in the national interest of the nation.

For 17 days, the army had taken a completely neutral position even in the wake of regime’s assault on the people in the streets. This is to leave no doubt in any body’s mind that the military institution was standing neutral.

However, it is the constitutional duty of the military to protect the constitution and the national security of the nation, including its economy, its civilian institutions and national assets.

Therefore, the army, once found that the institution of the presidency was either unwilling or incapable of protecting the national security of the nation, intervened and removed the president and his regime.

The next step is to draw the process by which, the power is peacefully and orderly transferred to a new or a transitional government.