Reports from extremely authoritative sources in Cairo have confirmed that Mubarak stayed behind alone in Egypt. The Presidential Airbus had taken off from Almazza air force base in the morning of the 11th under a Flight plan to Dubai. The flight plan, however, had a stop leg in Sharm el Shaikh. Mubarak alone deplaned while the entire family headed for Dubai.
ABC News had said that the Entire presidential fleet of private jets which had a price tag of $380 million Dollars had been dispatched to UAE immediately on the 28th of January once real fear of a general revolt was determined.
The Mubarak’s Including the Old Crone and her two Nannoose and their families and English speaking foreign servants deplaned in Dubai taking with them everything that could be carried aboard of looted treasures from the land that had been in their trust for thirty years.
The family, then boarded three different private business class jets which carried them to London, where they landed in a municipal airport to avoid publicity.
Kim Sind Gupta, a reporter at the Independent wrote this morning that his sources had confirmed the Mubarak’s stay behind in Sharm el-Sheikh.
Kim Gupta wrote:" it was assumed that the former president was on his way to the resort based on the shores of the Red Sea to lick his wounds in a place where he had spent a lot of times to relax and receive visiting foreign dignitaries.
The independent reporter has described the Mubarak’s Resort as a huge complex befitting a monarch with high fence to isolate it completely from the outside world. The huge resort complex and every hotel, Golf Club and super luxurious residential communities in the area are owned by the Mubarak’s family and their values are estimated to be in the Billions of dollars.
However, a large part of the Mubarak’s family wealth, estimated at $ 70 billion is located outside of Egypt, and the Swiss government announced yesterday it was working to freeze bank accounts related to the former Egyptian president.
According to unconfirmed reports, some of these accounts are deposited with the, "UBS", and the "Royal Bank of Scotland." Those assets, the report says may have already been transferred out of Britain into more secure deposit vessels in the UAE and other Gulf States.
The independent said that sources in the US and Europe have confirmed that Mubarak may seek residency in either UK or US should he find it too risky to stay in Egypt and face high treason and corruption charges.
It is a well-known fact, the independent said, that all the Mubarak’s family members are holders of British citizenship and Passports. The reports have also seeded doubts in the idea that the family has decided to stay in their London Homes, and said they probably arrived for a short hub to take care of business and will be returning to the Gulf area where their immunity is assured
Foreign policy had published widely circulated reports estimating the Mubarak’s Fortune to be up to $70 Billion US dollars allocated over a wide array of investment properties and managed by top investment managers. Those, in addition to any liquid assets on deposit with various banks, constitute the total of $70 billion.